Thursday, January 31, 2008

Lunch and Dinner with Bill and Hillary

Good Evening!
Before you read on - know that the spell check on blogger was not working tonight - and you all know that I cannot spell.

What a great day today was. I began with a good visit with my nurse and got the news that my Ins. will pay for another month of home health care - we hope it can end by then - but if not we are pretty sure they will approve another month.

After that I got dressed in my new clothes and went to the university to hear Bill Clinton speak - he was charming, charasmatic as ever, and fortunately well behaved today. It was really rather exciting. I met Bill once many years ago when I was President of Independent Charities of America - and he is so personable you wouldnt believe.

I came home and worked on making my house less of a disaster area - and then sat down for dinner in front of the TV to watch the Democratic Debate - it was wonderful. They both stopped the stupid attacks and talked clearly about their ideas and plans - finally! Hil did an outstanding job.

I am starting a contest. This little machine I carry around with me is a pain in the butt. It is an emotional issue - it keeps me from being comfortable in public - and makes strange noises that I wouldnt want to explain to someone. So I am starting a contest to name the thing. Some moniker I can use with plenty of scrcasim when speaking of it - this was a suggestion of a friend who thinks that if I approach it with a disrepectful sense of humor it will bother me less. So - here are the contest rules: 1. The name must be something I can speak and write without fear of arrest. 2. It must make me smile. That simple - just add a comment wtih your suggestion and I will pick a winner by the end of next week.

Today I finally, for the first time, I think, ate all the protein I am supposed to eat. Now you may wonder why it is so difficult to do so - I am supposed to eat 110 grams of protein each day - no serving should have more than 3 grams of sugar and 14 grams of carbs and must be 1 cup or less. I would hope it tastes good and is easy to prepare. Now - any of you who are foodies - any suggestions?

Well - it was a long day and I need my rest - so goodnight and be well. - Always - Chuck


Sharron said...

My suggestion for the name is "Spike." He was an annoying but funny vampire on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. If I ever get another dog, I'll name it Spike (male or female - doesn't matter to me).

Jim said...

Well, enter me in your contest!!
I submit to you the following, and please don't hold them against
1. Sucubus
2. Clinger
3. Sucktard
5. Woundie
6. Woundlicker
You are looking good Chuck. Glad you are more mobile.
I have been out of service for the past two months. Finally a specialist for me this month. Feb 21. Been long time waiting for a referral. CTscan this week, blockage in left kidney.
Good thing, no tumor. But many many kidney stones. Hope for relief without surgery.
Take Care, Jim

Mary and Diane said...

My suggestion is: Dubya

Named after our beloved President.

Enough said - LOL