Saturday, May 17, 2008

This and That

Good Morning Possums,

Don't ya miss Dame Edna - time for another concert tour.

Life is moving on quickly on this end of the world and its fun. Spent part of yesterday seeing Cirque du Soleil - one I had not seen - Saltanbanco - it was, of course, delightful. Hans had never seen a Cirque - and now he cannot wait to see the next one - magical as usual.

I guess the big news of the week is the court ruling in California - thank God there is an intelligent group of judges - this group even headed by a conservative Republican finally realized that marriage is a right of all Americans - not just the blessed. The court, in an unusually evolved decision said: "affording same-sex couples only a separate and differently named family relationship will, as a realistic matter, impose appreciable harm on same-sex couples and their children, because denying such couples access to the familiar and highly favored designation of marriage is likely to cast doubt on whether the official family relationship of same sex couples enjoys dignity equal to that of of opposite-sex couples, [. . . and] assigning a different designation for the family relationship of same sex couples . . . poses at least a serious risk of denying the family relationship of same-sex couples such equal dignity and respect."

How about that - an arm of this government - a 6-1 Republican majority on the court has decided that we are all people and have the same rights to happiness. There is hope folks.

We are in the planning stages for a trip to San Francisco at the end of June for Pride - its been years since I was able to attend the parade and will once again host Chuck's A List Parade Party. It is assured to be a good time for everyone - come join us.

Exciting news - my wonderful niece is preggers - Jeff and Melissa and the boys will be welcoming a new member of the family and everyone is thrilled. Now I get to shop for a little baby again. We all wish Melissa luck and an easy journey.

After my return from San Francisco its puppy time. Will be making a journey to Denver to chose a Labradoodle puppy to joining the family. And yes - for all of those of you asking if I have enough patience to raise a puppy - I do. This surgical journey has taught me a lot of patience - I still don't tolerate squeezing the toothpaste tube in the middle, drivers who are not smart enough to use a turning signal, and someone who talks on the cell phone while eating dinner with a date but I will be an amazing father to a little puppy. Trust that there will be pictures galore on the blog when she comes home.

Speaking of pictures - here are two more from Hawaii. A beach I found by accident and the amazing blacksand the beach was made from.

Hugs- and blessings - Chuck


Sharron said...

Chuck- you are a hoot!!!
I can't wait to see your puppy pictures and hear what you name it. You sound great - I'm glad all is well!

Mary and Diane said...

So glad you are doing well and planning another trip so soon! I am looking forward to being free enough after my surgery to resume my life. I hope it give me more career choices and less pain. Congratulations on being an uncle again and a father again to your new puppy. Coco is such a joy and your new little one will be too! Take care any keep in touch!